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  1. Anonymous10/5/10 05:05

    Paul Massey
    fav teachers - anyone in PE dept such as Mr Valentine, Mr Dilley, Mr Wheatley, Mr Freeman, Mr Turner, Mr Major, plus any teachers who came to Spain like Mr Sharp, Mr Clark and obviously old headmaster Mr Herbert. Who can forget Gray, Prickett, Flint, McTavish, Tonkin, Sheridan, and many many more.
    Nickname was action man when I first arrived because I used to run everywhere. Not any more. Now much slower, though I still reckon I can out run the smokers who try to leg it.
    Memories are many, but any Spain or ski trip was unbeatable.
    Song is Wonderwall - sang every time we got on the coach in Spain in early 90s
    Look forward to seeing you on the 9th

    1. Mr massey was awesome still remember him coming into my english with mrs turner and asking if i was coming to his lesson that day. I of course said no. And mrs lynn who all of us had a bit of a crush on. Michael sales class of 86-91

  2. Anonymous12/5/10 21:10

    Richard Poile
    1974 - 1979.
    Favourite teachers were Mr Morgan, Mr Vallentine, Mr Stroud, Mr Wright (hope he is still able to get angry so fast lol), Miss Stone, etc.
    Have many memories, including getting a piece of written work to do in pottery as a punishment with Graham Hobson and being told 'if its not handed in tomorrow, it doubles'. . . . . . guess what? It doubles tomorrow he he he.
    Song that makes me think of Wildernesse School - The Animals 'House of the Rising Sun' (first song I learned on the guitar)
    Looking forward to July 9th.

    1. You was a terrible pupil Richard lol

  3. Murray Motley (1973-77)20/5/10 12:16

    Ah Wildernesse! Favourite teachers? Mr Walker with his withering look that could silence a boy at 100 yards... yet he enabled us to run some fantastic sixth form discos... Mr Hickmott who took us to the pub in the upper sixth, he also drove an Escort 1300XL which made him uber cool! Best memories are of the school discos and the wonderful weekend trips to the pub with school mates when we were in the upper sixth. Anything that is Bay City Rollers reminds me of the place as I used to get so angry when they were continuously number 1 in the charts. Oh, and the time we were throwing billiard balls around the lower sixth form room in the lunch break. Some 10 seconds after a glass lampshade had shattered all over the floor our form teacher who just happened to be the headmaster, Mr Pieser, walked in the door. It was so quiet you could hear the glass scrunch under his feet yet he never said a word... what a good bloke he was.

  4. Anonymous24/5/10 13:48

    Anthony Betts (1974-1980)
    My years at The Wildernesse were for the most, happy ones. I believe the period that i attended was the "Golden" years, great school mates, brilliant teachers, i only have to hear The Stranglers; " walking on the beaches looking at the peaches " or Jilted John and i'm back !!.
    Sixth form disco's, Teachers vs Pupils cricket at the end of the year, and the staff- Mr Peiser, Mr Cannon, Mr Crockwell or dear old CAB.
    What a School !, it's a bloody shame it's going.
    So heres to The Wildernesse, the staff and all the great guys who were around in my day.
    God rest the old girl.

    1. Anonymous14/3/24 02:41

      So sad that the place is no more. I used to put the least able lad at the front of a cross country run through the woods, no-one could pass him and so he came first. Also we didn't have to run so far ...

  5. Anonymous27/5/10 07:15

    sam reynolds and dan halford

    left in 2009

    misses big turner and big massey wooo i hope he still aint protective over hes grass lol. i will be coming to see hot dog(sullivan) on the reunion. i hope mr clark aint guna be there tho.

  6. Anonymous27/5/10 12:05

    Simon Lefevre

    Best time of my life. The assesemble, good start for the day especially if it was taken by peck oakley! The best teachers, Mr grey and Brain jacks. Had some greats friends at school, pupils and teachers but unfortunatley lost touch with them and hope to catch up with some of them at the reunion, really looking forward to it. I hope lots of people make the effort as it will be nice to see you .

    1. Brian Jacks was my first PE teacher at Wildernesse. I too have lost touch with my best friends from those days, Lee Kings, Christopher Barclay and Stuart Martin. Its like they were abducted by aliens. No sign of them on Facebook.
      David Hodge Hodkinson.

  7. Anonymous16/6/10 08:23

    1978-1983. Memories - Mr Morgan's sledgehammer like "clip round the ear" nearly knocking me out!
    Biology teacher from New Zealand giving me Z- grades. French exchange with Miss Errante. History with Mr Grey. CAB Humphries. Mr Piezer (Head). smoking over the pine woods to skip games! possibly not a model student - but done ok for it!

    1. Anonymous7/2/24 00:04

      Mick Booth and myself Kevin.Goldsmith.were smoking in the Pinewoods.Mick found a school fence a spear.HE fired it into a tree.Outstepped Deputy Head Mr.

    2. Anonymous7/2/24 00:07

      Cannon..Enjoying yourselves lads now get back to my office.

  8. Anonymous24/6/10 14:45

    James Marshall (Marsh)

    Favourite memory - 2nd week of school (as a pickle!) and a classmate (who is still a good friend now and is coming on the 9th) got caught looking up rude words in the dictionary. It was English after all, but Mrs Butler didn't see the funny side and went bananas - then trying not to laugh (unsuccessfully) whilst Mr Mepsted, our head of year, came to the class and also went bonkers at us!

    Also - going to Lanzarote and the teachers confiscating all the booze from the year 10's and giving it all to the sixth formers!! result!

    Mr Massey making me play Prop for the rugby team when i was clearly a flanker.. i'll be speaking to you about this on the 9th??

    Legimately breaking 8 hockey sticks in a row during a warm up (Mr Dilley had picked up a job lot for a tenner - i didn't ask where he got them from but they were clearly a dodgy batch!!)

  9. Anonymous28/6/10 05:58

    Richard story (shab)
    peiser as headmaster.
    Ian harper (joe) as favourite teacher.
    His high level of interlect was unseen by the boys and staff.

    secondly mr valentine. on the school skiing trip to Bardoneccia he spent most of the week getting broken limbs plastered, as it was so icy. skiing was great on the upper slopes. what a week.

    worst teacher, mr peak: Religious studies- well...

    In the upper-sixth someone balanced a cup of water on top of the door. unexpectantly mr Peiser walked straight into the trap, to the shout of 'WHO THREW THAT'. The seriousness and comedy value was Hysterical.

    Although acedemically my achivement was fairly poor. The spirit and drive for opportunity will remain a fond memory.


  10. Anonymous28/6/10 06:49

    Louis Parker (76-81) yes possibly some of the best years in Wildernesse History tail end of the Golden Period, even talked about merging then. Dear old peaky world record holder for amount of green slips given out. Remember the teachers well, they were cleb's in there own right, sly fox, cab Humphreys, Mr Cannon, Mr Jones. Big thanks to the Sex Pistols,Stranglers, Madness, Specials,and the Jam for making School bearable.

  11. Anonymous30/6/10 11:21

    Oh how all the teacher had there own special thing about them all. Shame I wont be able to attend this reunion but wish everyone the best for the future! x

  12. Anonymous2/7/10 04:47

    Philip Prestage

    Just reading the posts brings back so many memories. (1B, 2N, 3KF, 4CO and 5BC.) As for top teachers, what about (Barry) Corbishly, (Ivor) Browning and Hollingsworth for maths (throwing books around the class instead of handing them out...). All top blokes. Of course Walker and Norris could control a class with just a look of distain.

    Another brick in the wall by Pink Floyd will do as my song of the era. Not because I hated school, just that I was nuts about the band.

    The holy trinity of Piser, Cannon and Crockwell running the show. Good old (well young actually) Tom Jones....say no more but another good guy.
    Oh...are Roger Hood and Cherry Street still married? Mr Morgan with his twitching fingers and his daughter teaching french.

    And dispite the few pupils who where psychopathic bullies, the staff menthoned above and also Chivers, Crook, (Mrs) Jenkins and Fisher to name but a few others, are still in my memories of good times.

    Will try and be there on the 9th.

  13. Anonymous5/7/10 13:22

    Paul Greening "Wurzel" among other nicknames.

    Happy memories of my time at Wildernesse, especially the 6th form.

    Bob the blade getting his nickname from unintentionally stabbing Andrew Appleton with a scalpel.

    Neal Evans smashing the window in the upper sixth form room with a folded up cushion cover - lucky no one was hurt.

    I agree with Shab - Mr Peake, although entertaining at times, was out of his depth.

    Mr Tullets assemblies always being slides of his latest holiday, and also helping to dig out the millpond.

    Being given 1 for effort by Brian Jacks when attempting a dip - and he made it look so easy on superstars.

    Music has to be Thunderbirds theme or Celebration by Cool and the Gang, endlessly played on the record player in the upper 6th room. Perhaps it should be something from Freddie & the Teds, not that I can actually remember any of their songs. I did hear Freddie (Paul Laver) had soemthing to do with Tenpole Tudor.

    Fanks to all starf who teached me - you gave me a good start.

    I'll be back there on Friday to say hi to anyone who recognises me.

    1. Mr Peake the RE teacher his lessons were a complete riot!

    2. Anonymous27/1/21 22:18

      Yeah, Peakes classes were funny, every BIC biro got used as a peas shooter or a bit of chewed up up paper and shot at either someone else in the class or Peakes Blackboard lol.

  14. Anonymous5/7/10 14:15

    Lawrence Older , "loz"


    Favourite teacher, Mr T Jones.

    Not sure about best memory, hoping that visiting the site will trigger some.

    Apt song: Welcome to the Jungle

  15. Anonymous5/7/10 14:22

    Ross Perrin 81 to 85ish, had loads of laughs and a few lessons too. Favourite teachers, Chilvers, Grey, T.Jones, Dilley & Lee (thanks for the colours tie for rugby, I still don't understand the rules to this day!), all mental but great to laugh with and at!

    Piser, wow what a nice bloke, always reminded me of a loveable Hitla with that tache! A true headmaster and nice bloke.

    Other memories, awful canteen food, being scared of the older skinheads, skiving off down Bat and Ball, breakdancing in the humanities, Michael Sterling knocking Michael Wynch's teeth out, the awesome skiing trip and being told to stop coming to school by Mr Crockwell!

    See you all on the 9th

  16. Anonymous5/7/10 14:38

    Loz (again)
    just looking at the wildernesse website , found this:


    spelling announce incorrectly on a dyslexia flyer, pure genius

  17. Anonymous9/7/10 01:29

    Perhaps its time then to see the light and following on from the dyslexia flyer:

    ANNOUCE thee colsure of Wildorniss... at larst!

  18. Anonymous9/7/10 12:35

    Adam Champion
    The comments brings back a lot of good memories and reminds me of many great friends, funny how Michael Sterling always gets a mention.
    Best memories for me all happened during the lower 6th form.
    Favorite teachers, all of them, they all helped in some way.
    Mr Peiser controlled the school and did so very well. I remember him retiring, but unfortunately not long after that I also remember attending his funeral.
    Song which most reminds me of school would be anything from Simple Minds. Songs which sparks memories of school would be Stick ‘n’ Stones or 368 by Jamie T.
    I wish I could be there for the 9th, but all my best to everyone.

  19. Anonymous12/7/10 09:39

    I was a pupil at Wilderness from 1955 until 1957 when my parents moved from the area. The school in those days was very strict, presided over by headmaster, (Fred) Streeter. My favourite teacher was (cab) Humphries who taught Maths and Biology (& occasional sport). It was cab who encouraged me with my work so that I later attended University of Kent to obtain honours degree in Chemistry and, subsequently PhD. Worked as Science editor most of career and retired in 2009.
    Clive L. Fetter

  20. Anonymous17/8/10 17:23

    I was a pupil at Wilderness and graduated in 1954. I was a member of the first eleven football (soccer) and cricket teams in 1954. Fred Streeter was the Headmaster when I was there. Prior to Wilderness, I went to St. John's and Bayham Road Schools. I moved to California in the USA in 1957. Now semi-retired after being in the electronics industry as manager and business owner. Now living in Bakersfield, CA USA with my wife Pauline. I there anyone from that era still with us?????
    David (Digger) Davis

    1. David Weller17/3/18 10:27

      My name is David Weller and I am still around having been a pupil at the Wilderness School from it's opening in September 1950. After a career as a Plumbing Lecturer in various colleges, I am now, at the age of 79 years, retired and look back at the school with great affection. I also went to Bayham Road school, then to Vine Lodge and then to Wilderness. Among other teachers, I remember Mr Heathield as being a new teacher at Bayham Road when I was there, before he transferred to Wilderness when it opened in 1950, I believe just starting out after teacher training college. Wilderness was the best school I ever attended, everything was new and fresh - after Bayham Road School - Victorian - , this was very encouraging!
      Memories, memories.....

  21. Eduardo Arroyo, from Venezuela, studied at Wildernesse from 1978 to 1982, I think.
    Without hesitating I must say, best years of my youth. Remember Mr. Browning, geography teacher, so worry about my adaptation to school. Mr. Fox great math teacher. Also remember Miss Errante, chemistry teacher, never thought I would like that subject.
    My school mates actually made me feel I belonged to the group, thank you all.
    I’ll be flying to London on the 3rd of September 2010 and hope to visit the school on the following days.
    Hoping to see some of you again. Paul Sanders, John Ersser, Jonathan Jarrett, Adam Northcroft, Stuart Slade, Bruce Regan, Greig Sweetland, Jonathan Fawell, Christ Boatman, J Bowen, Adrien Read, Mark Parkin, David Wilson, B Rook, James Newton, Sean, J Gale, Mike H. Andrew, Paul Clifford, Mark Wenham, sorry If I missed somebody.
    God bless.

    1. Mr Browning gave me a lifelong love of geography and travelling. A truly inspiring teacher.

    2. Must have been a different browning to the one I knew. The one I knew was a nasty bullying thug who battered me round the back of my head during my first term. Nice introduction to secondary school

  22. Anonymous25/8/10 18:02

    Carl Headland loved my time at wilderness. All time fav teacher is the one an only MASSEYso many good times with a group of fellas who i aint seen 4 years. Oh how things change an people move on! U jus don't understand how it changes when it's bin an gone

  23. Anonymous5/9/10 12:31

    Andrew Dayman

    Fond memories of Wildernesse 1966 and have gained so much as a result.
    Thank you
    Fisher, Newby, Jones, Valentine, Massey, Leagood, Browning

    Reside in California USA

    1. Anonymous5/9/24 10:37

      Andrew what class were you in I left in 1967 with CSE and 2 O levels were you in The English 0 level class Mr Oakley was the teacher Northern accent. If so leave a comment. Also Mr Musson science teacher.

  24. Anonymous5/9/10 12:40

    Beatles - St. Pepper Album that was played to our form on it first day of its release during afternoon period. Ground Breaking !

    1. Yes I remember it played at school in 1967. My last year at Wildernesse.

  25. Anonymous23/9/10 12:16

    I was a very young Home Economics teacher at Wildernesse, just three years older than some of the boys! I remember a work man walking through someones Victoria Sandwich cake! Don't ask why it was on the floor on the first place.

    1. My favourite teacher was the Home Economics teacher and also my form teacher Miss Watt who went on to become Mrs Beer after I had left in 1986

  26. Jason Lee

    1980 - 1985

    I have just this minute got back from having a walk around and seeing the old school. The Wilderness was an amazing place with so many things to do. From motor mechanics to a real farm with your own vegetable patch. Sadly after looking around today many of these things are gone. The farm is now overgrown and boarded up and the mechanics garage is a classroom. I guess these do not form part of the national curriculum and so there is no funding. Mind you if you look closely many of the original places still exist today. I found my form room and my old maths class. The library seems to of vanished replaced with another classroom.

    Just looking through the blog has reminded me of some of the teacher’s names. Head Mr Piezer who gave me 7 whips of the cane!! Didn’t do me any harm and I learnt never to make a bonfire in the classroom again. Sadly he passed away soon after retiring. He would walk through the school with his black gown on. Very old school but it instilled discipline. Mr Woolhouse, I think that was his name. And if only I could remember my maths teacher who was only there for a few years or the English teacher who also worked in the library. Think she was Scottish or possible Irish, with long blonde hair. Mr Browning my geography teacher who didn’t think me dressing up and painting a white strip across my nose very funny. My physics teacher who I would love to apologise too for giving her such a hard time. And not to forget my wood work teacher who gave me such a hard time !!!

    Wish we could turn back the clock and do it all again.

    1. Anonymous7/2/24 00:22

      Mrs FLEMING .my maths teacher lived 3 doors up from me Kevin Goldsmithin Seal Hollow Road.literally few yards across the road.!

  27. So much to be grateful for.
    Thank you to many many of the teachers

    CAB, Newby, Fisher, Edwards. Chapman, Leagood, Shepard, Browning, Stroud, Jones, Valentine Graves, Lightfoot, Sheppard, Norris, Mossacos,
    Jasper, Stiles, Parker,
    Because of you grounded me and shaped my life. THANK YOU

  28. Forgot;;Burton TD

  29. Matthew Porter13/11/11 06:50

    12th Nov 2011 - Visited the old school today - haven't re-visited since I left in 1980. Sad to see the three buildings which were new when I joined in 1976 (4th year, in 4H (Humphries) - Then with "Peck" Oakley, the 6W (Walker and Webster) and Upper 6th - 6P - (Gordon Peiser). All are now stripped bare seemingly awaiting demolition whilst the older buildings have been put back into useable order. Only just realised that there had been a reunion last year. My upper 6th year 1979/80, Whiting - headboy, Barber - deputy headboy, Miles, Manton, Evans, Chidgey, McRae, Millett, Shooter, Daly, Malkin, Goodwin, Doucy, Wareing, Harvey, Towell and Wright. Teachers:- Leegood, Walker, Mrs Webster, Gray, Crook, Donnelly, Anderson, Oakley, Norris, Browning, Styles, Chilvers, Peak, Fox, Fisher, Morgan, Miss Morgan, Dwinnel, Eccersall, Mrs Smith, Cannon, Crockwell, Miss Tidswell, Hood, Cherry Street, Sheppard, Miis Errante, Chilvers, Holligshead, Valentine, Dilley, Jacks, Mrs King,Mrs Jenkins, Mrs Collinson, Clarke, Green,Dove, Aitcheson, Presnell, Mrs Jackson, and the school priest and teacher Rev'd Hewitt. Who can ever forget when Ivan Garrett was presented an award for judo by Gordon Peiser and they shook hands on the stage in the 'Hall in front of all the school and as Ivan left the stage Mr P said "I thought he was going to toss me off the stage". Good laughs, and good times.

    1. Mr Dwinell the music teacher I remember when some pupils upturned his 3 wheeler in the carpark as an end of term joke.

    2. Anonymous14/3/24 02:47

      What about me?

  30. Matthew Porter8/12/11 06:54

    To add:- Student:- McCann, Teachers:- Tullett, Tinsley. Apologies for the omissions.

  31. Mr Crockwell feared by many but a great man. Years later I found out he was 'one of the few' Churchill referred to, having flown a Hurricane in the Battle of Britain. Like many heroes he never mentioned what he did in the war.

    1. matt bartholomew3/7/15 11:24

      Just reading some of the stories some old pupils left.For me they really were some of my happiest times.( 71-76).When I was in the 5th form a new teacher (Mr Grey..History) started to teach us (5C, Crockwell). I swear what happened next is true! The first lesson he took I could only see him as someone just a few years older than us. Me, thinking I was the big " I am", thought I might have some fun with new teacher. I don't know why but just the way he was looking at me made me instantly dislike him.( I think the feeling was mutual !) . During the coarse of the lesson he asked the question " Does anyone know who knocked down Hadrians Wall. Quick as a flash I shouted out " It wasn't me" This,I must say got the whole class laughing. But not Mr Grey..oh no. He looked straight at me and asked me if what I had said was funny. I admitted that, yes,i did think it was funny. The class fell silent....he then said that maybe he and I should go and ask Mr Pieser if he thought it was funny. Well, we both walked up to his office not saying a word. Upon arriving at the Headmasters door, he knocked..Pieser opened the door and asked the young teacher what the problem was. Mr Grey then said that he had asked the class if anyone knew who knocked down Hadrians Wall. He then told Mr Pieser that I had replied " Well, it wasn't me". A good few seconds passed....silence..... Then Mr Pieser looked at me,..looked at Mr Grey...,and said to him, "If Bartholomew says he did NOT knock down Hadrians Wall, then HE DIDN'T...He then looked at me and, with half a rye smile shut the door!!! The man was a legend. Mr Grey and I walked back to the classroom. Neither of us uttered another word to each other for the rest of my school days!! Thank you.

    2. Hello Matt. LONG time no me an email please....John Martin.

    3. Matt. That whole story is a lie, isn’t it? It’s quite a funny joke - but pure fiction. When you were in year 5 I was not a new teacher - I started in 1972. I don’t remember if you did CSE History, but it was British Social/Economic 1750-1960 (Hadrian’s Wall not relevant), and I would never have asked such a question, because most of Hadrian’s Wall is still there after 2000 years. Also, I would never take anybody to Mr Peiser’s office- unless they’d tried to kill me - because it was such a trek from my remote mobile classroom. I have very fond memories of my 31 years at Wildernesse, especially those of “Bid” Bartholomew, who was very kind to me when I was really a “new teacher”, and for the tragically brief time after he left. I remember your name.

    4. Hi Mr Gray - thanks for your history lessons I really enjoyed them and it was great to have a teacher giving a social critique or context on the dominant discourse of the day. You also had a good sense of humour. All such a long time ago now 1981 to 86 - I left to go to West Kent College and miraculously made it to University. I still love history. Thanks Chris Holding

  32. 1961 - 1966, Great school and great memories. Teachers - Mr Gray, Mr Firth, Mr Oakley, Mr Grey Mr Urquart, Major General Musson, Mr Vallentine, Mr Green, Mr Browning, Mr Jones, Mr Stroud (Dept Head), Mr Streeter (Headmaster).
    Whilst there represented Kent Schools in Athletics at All England Athletics at Hendon, London. Also played for Kent Schools U16's Rugby. Head boy Reg Brooks Dept Head boy Chris Knight

    1. Was also there-1961-1966. Form teacher in'61 was Mr Musson- Science. Remember all those teachers. Anyone remember the yearly cross country run? Have lost track of everyone so if anyone remembers me please make contact.

    2. Anonymous5/9/24 05:08

      Yes I remember Mr Oakley and Mr Browning the Headboy was Brooks he played rugby to a high level Mr Browning was a great teacher and took
      The class on a Duke of Edinborough Award course. No student in my group passed English O level John Owen was the next headboard

  33. Anonymous12/4/16 08:33

    I remember all the different ties (house colours, upper and lower etc). I ended up with 6 ties! Graeme Lothian canned by Peiser (The Surpriser) was a hightlight and finally, Mr Valentine arranging a rugby match between 1st team against a proper rugby mens team! What was he thinking!

  34. My main memory of school was what a bullying thug browning was, in my first term there he hit me in the back of my head smashing my face into the blackboard because I didn't understand some poxy French verb or something. Nice teaching technique, a credit to his profession.

    1. Anonymous30/6/22 13:27

      Ivor Browning didn’t teach French. And neither did he assault pupils. I’m not saying it didn’t happen - but it wasn’t Ivor Browning.

    2. Anonymous5/9/24 05:31

      Yes Ivor Browning was a great teacher. and furthermore he never harmed any pupil. We learnt more about geography and general life changing aspects. Mr Oakley took English O level but only one pupil passed in 1967

  35. Ps the above was by John Young started at wildernesse in 1965 not sure when I left as I was still suffering from concussion. Thanks for ruining my formative years

  36. Jamie Boxer27/10/17 15:38

    Anyone from the years 1994-99 read any of this? My memory sucks and being as I was only at the school in year 8 and a little of year 9 I really. Can't remember much, hoping someone will read this one day and possibly remember me!!.. Maybe have a memory or two!..

    1. Jamie Boxer27/10/17 15:40

      I remember doing the sponsored walk, only to run it and manage 17laps which was 15 miles in 1h45mins, and to my knowledge came third in the school and only have to 6th formers beat me. I even beat the PE teacher at the time!

  37. I was there 1964 - 1970 Happy days, Mr Firth my first form teacher firm but far,Mr Hughes the English teacher who gave me a life long love of reading,and Mr Jones the music teacher who hated pop music - we played King Crimson till the record wore out. Had some great friends - sadly lost touch now ( no internet then) t would be brillant to hear from anyone

  38. Karl Weller, 1983-1988
    Mr Pieser, Mr Herbert, Mr Chilvers, Mr Grey Mr Carothers. Good teachers,fond memories.

  39. Anonymous21/3/19 11:20

    I wonder if any of my classmates still remember (scottish jimmy)from glesga.I would like to get in touch.You ate talking about 45 years ago.I remember Mr Clements,Mr Norris,Mr Humphries and the best Mr John.One day I would like to see how the school is now.

  40. Was at Wildernesse from 1966 to 1971ish. I was lucky as lived across the road from the School!
    Robert Jones was my first and 2nd year master. Fisher, Oakley also over the yewars.
    The name 'Bomber' Shackleton I believe was an English teacher. Favourite subject was Technical Drawing with Mr Burton.
    Played cricket for the 'House' (Knole) and the School.
    Some classmates were Frank Chambers, Paul Kempthorne, Nigel Cash.
    Anyone remember 'Bongo'West the Rural Studies teacher who had a length of hosepipe instead of a cane.
    Other teachers were Norris (French), Hughes (English), Legood (Woodwork), Anderson (Rural Sties),Humphies (Science),Browning(Geography),Young (Woodwork), Shepherd (Metalwork), Valentine and Parker (PE), Knight (History)
    Writing this has certainly brought back memories.

    1. Anonymous5/8/24 09:11

      I was there same time remember Stuart Reader he lived opposite school. I was one of the first with electric guitar and formed a band The Myth at school

  41. If you’ve found this page suggest you look at Facebook,
    Wildernesse and Hatton leavers of the 70s & 80s

  42. Formerly known as Kristian Herbert, now Farrah and should have gone to Hatton.

    Caned by Fint a couple of times, hit with a rubber hose by the Motor Engineering teacher(kinky fucker).

    Best form teacher T Jones. Great ski trip with Mr Valentine. Mrs Sheridan best Maths teacher.

    Mr Herbert was an awesome Headmaster..

  43. My favourite teacher was the Home Economics teacher and also my form teacher Miss Watt who went on to become Mrs Beer after I had left in 1986

  44. I remember mrs Coleman biology. What became of nathan linsgog and paul and graham Turner friends at st John's primary school?

  45. Previous comment by alan watts at wilderness fro 1974 to 1979

  46. Richard Boughton,1975-1982. I managed to stay under the radar, thankfully. Teachers: Pieser, Cannon, Norris, Tidswell (Miss), Peake (oh, dear - wrong place, wrong time for him), Street (Miss at the time, became Mrs Hood), Shepherd (terrifying), Donnelly ("listen in laddie" usually came before a crack on the knuckles with a ruler), Grey, Chilvers, Howat, Browning, Tullett, Hood, Dilley, Valentine, Yabbacombe (anyone remember him? Mad as a box of frogs), Leegood, physics teacher with MS?, Dwinnell. There are others I've forgotten. Still have my Football Colours from 1979, prefect's tie, and the whole school photo from 1981. Can't decide whether I enjoyed or was scarred by it! Probably both.

  47. I came from Canada and taught a great group of boys for a year and a half 2005/6. They were turbulent times for the school with many teachers and admin. fighting to keep the school open. Not all of the teachers could handle the boys but I found if you gave respect you received it in return. I think of you often boys; hoping life is good for you.

  48. Anonymous3/9/22 02:23

    Benjamin Harris, I left in 2001.

  49. Anonymous1/11/22 14:19

    I was at Wildernesse School from Autumn 1969 to summer 1973 before moving out of the area. G. G. Peiser was the head and Stroud was deputy. I was in class 1S (Styles), 2H and 3H (Hughes). Main memory was class trying to find out which teachers could keep discipline and those who could be humiliated, fortunately most knew their job. (Hope I have matured) Agree with comment Walker (Physics) did it with silence and a withering look.

    Best teaching memories were with Mathematics teachers mainly Mrs Gough and Mr Fisher. There was a lot of computer (discrete) related maths (set theory, graph theory, matrices and probability) Which I thought was soft options at the time as there were no numbers or formulas but found interesting as I ended up in IT.

    Mr Anderson teaching husbandry, every lesson was how pigs put on more weight than other animals for the same amount of feed.

    Most memorably lesson was RI (now RE) with Mr Walker. One of the more lively classmates asked what proof God existed to which a blackboard eraser came hurting across the classroom narrowly missing him. Having got the classes undivided attention and interest there ensued a lecture on how nothing happens without a reason. Everyone was talking about it afterwards and only found out it was a con job in later life.

    For me the world has changed a lot since the early 1970's and my days at Wildernesse is like a time capsule buried in my head

    1. Anonymous1/11/22 14:41

      Name for above entry: Graham Thomas

  50. Anonymous18/4/23 02:09

    At wilderness for the first year in 19-66 got expelled,67but was turned onto the Beatles and has and a higher level of thought because of the level of capital punishment in the front door out of the back to the red recreation

  51. Anonymous24/5/23 11:08

    Hiya everyone, I know many of you on the blog aren’t students of when my Grandfather- Ron Herbert- was headmaster. But I’m sad to announce that he passed in 2016. At the minute I’m doing some digging on him for a school project and sentimental reasons. Anything you know of him, stories or any docs you have wound be really appreciated. Send to Thank you

    1. Anonymous25/5/23 03:43

      I’ve sent an email. Great memories!

    2. Anonymous7/7/24 09:37

      I remember Ron playing for Writtle FC in Essex and have a pic of him

  52. Anonymous25/5/23 03:50

    I had great times at Wildernesse.
    My fave’s were Mr Chilvers(History), Mr Evans (Drama), Mr T Jones (English), Mr Dilley & Massey (PE)
    I was there around 82-88. Loved sport and Drama. Hopefully I wasn’t too horrible to anyone?! It did set me up to be Old Bill, so who knows!
    Matt Drury

  53. Anonymous6/6/23 08:30

    Will there be another reunion? I did not attend the one in 2010 and am unsure who organised it.

  54. Anonymous24/8/23 01:16

    Mr Perry and Mr Tim Peake are top blokes!

  55. Anonymous22/3/24 01:57

    I went this school I was a nightmare sorry Mr Hood and Mr Pearce Mr Massey Mr turner Ms gold n any others I affected badly !

  56. Very sorry to read about Ron Herbert. The first boss I worked for when I joined the school in September 1994 in my first teaching job. Thoroughly enjoyed my 5 years as the Head of Music there : met some great people, taught many great lads and had some wonderful concerts. Many great memories.

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